On the radio …

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And we are on the radio, talking about Unearthing Dartmoor with Steve Brown on Buttons. Mixcloud here.

“Avenda and Steve Walsh read a selection of poetry from the Unearthing Dartmoor Exhibition and I play a selection of folk music, including Dartmoor material from Jim Causley and others. Avenda and Steve also talk about the exhibition which is on at the Dartmoor Visitors Centre, Princetown, Dartmoor through the summer to the end of September. It is a collaboration between artist group Contemporary Markmakers and the Moor Poets. There is also an excellent book which is £15 at Princetown, and a website where you can sample the exhibition and buy the book: https://markmakers.avenda.uk/
Broadcast on ‘Between the Buttons’ 25/7/23.

Tracklist on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/exeters.vani…

Tune in to Between the Buttons on 4th Tuesdays 12 to 2pm and to Exeter’s Vanished Rock Venues on 2nd Thursdays 4 to 6pm on 106.8FM & DAB+ in Exeter or www.phonic.fm online.
And listen on Soundart Radio every four weeks – Thursdays 9 to 11pm