They don’t look like me, I just use a mirror to check where the light falls. No models. Bit nervous these last couple of years.
Pile of charcoal sketches. A love hate relationship. Love it as a tool. Love the smudges. Hate charcoal keeps smudging when I want it to stop.
Phone 07954 682062 or mail to discuss buying any of the art

Strong Woman You, Strong Woman Me 15
Strong Woman You, Strong Woman Me 15
Oil on paper A2 approx [wp_call_button btn_text="Call Avenda" btn_color="#56132d" hide_phone_icon="no"]
Selfie sketches colour me
Selfie sketches colour me
Oil on paper A2 approx [wp_call_button btn_text="Call Avenda" btn_color="#56132d" hide_phone_icon="no"]
Faces what we do in the shadows
Faces what we do in the shadows
Oil on paper A2 approx [wp_call_button btn_text="Call Avenda" btn_color="#56132d" hide_phone_icon="no"]
Selfie sketches charcoal 8
Selfie sketches charcoal 8
Charcoal on paper, loads of them A2 approx [wp_call_button btn_text="Call Avenda" btn_color="#56132d" hide_phone_icon="no"]
Selfie sketches charcoal 7
Selfie sketches charcoal 7
Charcoal on paper, loads of them A2 approx [wp_call_button btn_text="Call Avenda" btn_color="#56132d" hide_phone_icon="no"]
Selfie sketches charcoal 6
Selfie sketches charcoal 6
Charcoal on paper, loads of them A2 approx [wp_call_button btn_text="Call Avenda" btn_color="#56132d" hide_phone_icon="no"]
Selfie sketches charcoal 5
Selfie sketches charcoal 5
Charcoal on paper, loads of them A2 approx [wp_call_button btn_text="Call Avenda" btn_color="#56132d" hide_phone_icon="no"]
Selfie sketches charcoal 4
Selfie sketches charcoal 4
Charcoal on paper, loads of them A2 approx [wp_call_button btn_text="Call Avenda" btn_color="#56132d" hide_phone_icon="no"]
Selfie sketches charcoal 3
Selfie sketches charcoal 3
Charcoal on paper, loads of them A2 approx [wp_call_button btn_text="Call Avenda" btn_color="#56132d" hide_phone_icon="no"]
Selfie sketches charcoal 2
Selfie sketches charcoal 2
Charcoal on paper, loads of them A2 approx [wp_call_button btn_text="Call Avenda" btn_color="#56132d" hide_phone_icon="no"]
Selfie sketches charcoal
Selfie sketches charcoal
Charcoal on paper, loads of them A2 approx [wp_call_button btn_text="Call Avenda" btn_color="#56132d" hide_phone_icon="no"]