Back to Lockdown

Not 72 hours yet


Acrylic and ink on paper

A2 approx

Call Avenda

Out of stock



“Don’t touch anything on the covid decontamination butchers block for 72 hours rule, yet the grapes are open. Who was that?”

It has been a strange time. With no exhibitions planned, and no agenda, odd things have been appearing in my studio. I have been taking snaps of my quarantine butcher’s block, where shopping sits for 72 hours after delivery before I can store it. I also documented my big store cupboard clear out in early March 2020, checking and logging sell by dates. I have a box of essentials plus tinned duck in the wardrobe for Christmas 2020 and 2021. There is a spray cleaner and wipes by the open front door (to save the poor postman). So will use this and see where it takes me. A series of still life paintings that had no relevance in 2019. Also a shameful admission of my own status (a butcher’s block to spare?) when much of the world population has no soap and running water. I have a lot to think about with that. There may be poetry as well as mark making.